シングル「琉球開闢 AMAMIKIYO 」をリリースしました。
試し聴きなどの視聴は、Apple MusicやSpotify等、各種サイトまたは、当サイトの「WORK」や制作者名を検索してくださるとVimeo 、YouTubeの制作者ページから音楽をご視聴いただけます。購入価格200円
We have released a single "Ryukyu Opening AMAMIKIYO".
It is a healing single with motif as one song, single in 4 minutes.
I made music with motif of Ryukyu (Okinawa) opening myth, Goddess Amami Kiyo.
Nine sacred places were born, and it is a song when a beautiful Okinawa Island is made.
Try listening and watching, Apple Music, Spotify etc., various sites or "WORK" of this site and the name of producer
If you search, you can watch music from the producer page of Vimeo, YouTube.
1: Ryukyu Opening AMAMIKIYO
※Purchase from various, music sales site and this site release page
price $1.86us